The healthcare and bioscience industry continues to be one of San Antonio’s largest industries with an annual economic impact near $43 billion. The industry employs almost 200,000 people, every one in five local area workers. The healthcare and bioscience community has added over 50,000 in the last decade and continues to be a leader in innovation and research across Texas and the nation.
The Chamber has several current initiatives designed to help move the community forward:
- Education: The Chamber works with employers, educational institutions, and workforce training programs to ensure the opportunities for local people exist in careers that are meaningful and crucial to the future success of the industry.
- Industry Feedback: The Chamber, in coordination with our large hospital and small business membership, regularly collects and publishes industry feedback on career roles and workforce availability.
- Workforce: Partnering with BioMedSA, a local bioscience organization originally founded by the Chamber, we are working to define pathways to healthcare and bioscience careers.